BloodHub is designed, built and supported by a small group of passionate people that have over 30 years experience delivering software solutions to the blood bank industry. Our technology can unlock efficiencies and open up previously cost prohibitive business models. Are you ready to join us? We are ready to welcome you.

Blood Centers

  • Orders: Manage your orders, returns, imports and exports online, securely and easily.
  • Service Level Management: Who did what and when? Meet your customer's expectations -- and prove it!
  • Alert Management: Did that stat order get dealt with? With alert management you'll know when an order isn't being managed properly.
  • Opportunities: Partner with your hospitals and fellow blood centers to better serve your community.


  • Orders: Manage your orders and returns. In one place, securely, online, easily
  • Traceability: Is the order in? Where is the order? Does my supplier know there is an order?
  • Customer Service: Is your Supplier meeting your customer service expectations?

to see how we can help your organization.